Thing’s I’m Bad At…

In life, no one is ‘perfect‘. I mean sure there’s them people that walk around; with their perfect hair, their perfect dream job, their perfect loving partner and seem to have everything together…but really they have flaws. EVERYONE has flaws…even Leonardo DiCaprio :O. So in short, this is a list of the things I suck at in life.

  1. Eating Breakfast – In a ideal world…I’d wake up early. Cleanse and moisturise my face. Then go get a healthy and nutritional breakfast to start off the day! But in reality I’m lazy. Lazy in the sense that I’d happily have those few extra minutes in the warm comfort of my bed…and then be hungry at work.
  2. Cleansing and Moisturising my face – All through life you will hear the saying “Look after your face when you are young, and you’ll look amazing when you hit 50”. That could all be well and true, but again when presented with the option of staying in bed or doing something which may help your skin later on in life…you know where to find me.
  3. Clothes Mountain – Ok so, If I wear something once for a few hours I won’t send it to be washed. Because in my opinion (even though my mum would differ) it is still clean. I mean unless I’ve rolled around in mud or been caught in a torrential rain storm. So once I’ve taken it off, I’ll put it on a chair in my room…with the intention to either put it away later or wear it the next day (outfit repeater :0 shock horror). However after a while of doing this, a mini mountain will begin to form on my chair, which you know is a issue I can deal with…until it turns into a avalanche.
  4. Updating my Computer – So normally I’m really good with keeping things updated. I’m one of these people that can’t stand notifications. I have to open apps, and emails to just make the little number disappear. Like when my iPhone wants a update and a little 1 appears next to settings, I need it gone. So I just update it. BUT on my mac…oh man it’s a whole other story. As a lover of YouTube I can’t deal with my laptop being out of action for so long. Yes I could watch it on my phone…but I’m all about that big screen. Plus to me the software updates seem unneeded as nothing ever seems to change.
  5. Document Hoarder – There’s a lot of unnecessary documents we get given in life. But unlike a normal person, there are some things I just can’t seem to throw away. This is anything from old drama work, to paying in slips. In my mind, you never know when you’ll need it. Granted you probably wouldn’t be able to find it when the time came to wanting it but still…you never know. Im sure I’ll get rid of it all. One day.

So there you have it, ‘a selection’ list of things I’m bad at. I could go on but we could be here a while. But do you know what, they are flaws, but they are also what make me who I am. So…that’s ok.


Ok so like many others, I am indeed an apple user. And seen as I haven’t been living under a rock I knew that there was an update due yesterday, but this wasn’t the exciting part. The exciting part for me was the emojis. I am an over active emoji userπŸ˜πŸ’€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ’©… so to learn new emojis were on the way was brilliant! Until of course I did the update…and they were nowhere to be seen. πŸ˜“

Now I probably missed the memo but I read nowhereΒ and I repeat nowhereΒ that the new emojis wouldn’t be included 😐 not cool Apple! Not cool! πŸ˜‘ Because of this I went googling to find out why this was.

The answer: these new emojis will actually be included in the next update which is expected in November.

How disappointing! I mean overall I am happy with the layout and changes that come with the update but still…it was a sad day for Apple users everywhere yesterday. πŸ‘·πŸ½